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Message From the Dean - Faculty of Nursing

Dear Admitted Students,


Welcome to the Faculty of Nursing at Isra University. As part of the interdisciplinary team, we aim to graduate competent and caring nursing professionals prepared to address multiple and complex human needs in an ever-changing environment.

The Faculty of Nursing is a pioneering school in Competency-Based Education. The professional competencies stemmed from the National Competency and Standards Framework initiated by the Jordanian Nursing Council to formulate the general framework of the nursing programs at the school that is dedicated to critical thinking, continuous improvement, evidence-based practice, and leadership in an ever-changing environment.

While striving for international recognition, the Faculty is continuously engaged in initiatives with community and academic partners and partnerships and committees that involve national and international agencies and hospitals to provide students with quality clinical experiences.

The Faculty of Nursing aspires to become a leading school in nursing sciences, scientific research, and community partnership at the regional and global levels by providing recognized and unique nursing programs in conducive, student-centered, and competency-based learning environments.

Kind Regards,

Dean of Faculty of Nursing

Prof. Wafiqa abd-Al Rahim Thaher