السنة | 2024-06-30 |
التخصص | |
العنوان | The impact of digital innovation on employees prefrmance : case study on the civil status and passport department in Jordan |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | ينال محمود محمد الكيلاني | - |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | براءة محمود خلف عبيد | Bara Mahmoud Obaid |
Abstract | Digital innovation includes (products, processes, and R&D activities), in addition to employee performance, which includes (task performance, quality, and efficiency). In this study, a purposive sample of (265) administrators and employees using digital systems in the Civil Status and Passports Department was examined. After sorting and excluding incomplete and invalid questionnaires, the analysis was conducted on (255) questionnaires representing 96.2% of the distributed questionnaires. In light of the analysis conducted, the results indicate that the use of digital innovation affects employee performance in the Civil Status and Passports Department. Based on the results, the study recommended conducting further studies to analyze the importance of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence and study their impact on organizational performance and employee performance in the Civil Status and Passports Department. It also recommended the need to focus on research and development in the Civil Status and Passports Department and benefit from employee expertise and international experiences, as well as improving digital operations by providing training for employees to adapt to these innovations effectively. Keywords: Digital Innovation, Employee Performance, Civil Status and Passport Department |
الأبحاث المستلة |