السنة | |
التخصص | ماجستير إدارة المشاريع الهندسية |
العنوان | Dyamic scheduling for engineering project management |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | رامي عبد القادر ماهر السامرائي | Rami A. Maher |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | رنا ناصر الحسن | Rana Naser AL-Hasn |
Abstract | Project managers and researchers seek to use dynamic scheduling to achieve optimal scheduling besides resource and time management in practical considerations like delays or stops of work. Dynamic scheduling in construction projects is primarily concerned with reducing time and effort in daily resource requirements and workflow tracking. In this thesis, the heuristic characteristics are used to test the efficiency of the schedule generated by Primavera in the delays or repetitive stop environment. The most common indices are the rate of Resource usage (RR), resource improvement coefficient (RIC), and maximum value of resource used (MR). The objectives are: first, to clarify dynamic scheduling and its importance as well as a heuristic explanation to ensure that unexpected time delays do not occur. The second is to improve the vision of decision-makers and project managers concerning using dynamic scheduling instead of static scheduling to obtain a scheduling scheme that provides optimal or near-optimal time delays, which is the main goal of this research. However, it is still a new topic to apply to the construction industry; besides, few researchers have addressed it worldwide. A real project was used in scheduling a case study for construction projects in Jordan, assuming time delays with dynamic scheduling to reveal the course of events and the extent to which the project was affected by different time delays. Heuristic characteristics were used to ensure the best scheduling. However, to enhance heuristic characteristics, which do not provide a near-perfect solution, the dis-performance percentage has been ascertained to get better results. The main finding was that the proposed method presented unpredictable scheduling, dynamic scheduling performance, and heuristic characteristics which varied depending on the project, the nature of resource allocations and activities, and the different time delays assumed. |
الأبحاث المستلة |