السنة | 2024-06-30 |
التخصص | ماجستير إدارة المشاريع الهندسية |
العنوان | Implementing technological programs to reduce non-technical losses in regulatory asset base electricity distribution utilities in Jordan |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | معاويه احمد محمد النسور | Moawiah Al-Nsour |
اسم المشرف المشارك | زكريا انس محمد العمري | Zakaria Anas AL-Omari |
اسم الطالب | احمد ظاهر عبد الجليل المرايات | Ahmad Daher AL-Mrayat |
Abstract | Non-technical losses (NTL) are a major challenge faced by electricity distribution companies (EDC), leading to revenue losses that negatively impact their financial sustainability. To address this issue, many EDC are exploring the use of technological programs (TP) to reduce NTL. This research study aims to investigate the feasibility of implementing TP to reduce NTL in regulatory asset base (RAB)-based EDC in Jordan. This thesis reviewed the current state of NTL, a case study of the Electricity Distribution Company (EDCO), the international practices and potential benefits for implementing TP in Jordan. Questionnaire data analysis revealed the relevance of questionnaire questions to the designated topics and purposes, where factor analysis was conducted on a set of items related to perceptions and challenges in implementing TP to reduce NTL in EDC. The analysis revealed six components / dimensions affect the reduction of NTL. The first component explains approximately 24% of the total variance. Subsequent components explained diminishing proportions of variance where in this research the highest component analyzed and integrated with the case study of the research. The case study suggests a positive trend in mitigating losses, particularly NTL, through the deployment of smart meters and AMI solutions. Results show that the overall NTL value for the study period equal to 28 million JD, and the achieved savings from employing TP around 2.49 million JD. These results underscore the importance of ongoing and the needed efforts in infrastructure modernization and loss reduction initiatives for ensuring financial sustainability and operational efficiency. |
الأبحاث المستلة |