السنة | 2024-02-11 |
التخصص | اللغة العربية وآدابها |
العنوان | The impact of Internet of things on Jordanian data palm farms |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | ينال محمود محمد الكيلاني | - |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | منذر اسعد يوسف حماد | Munther Asad Hammad |
Abstract | The purpose of this study was to determine how the IoT affects rivalry Jordanian date palm farms. The study examined several aspects of the IoT including (sensors devices, infrastructure connectivity, regulatory instruction, security, and privacy) within the context of this sectoral investigation. Simultaneously, the research examined the competitive aspects of date palm farms in Jordan, emphasizing (quality, productivity, and cost). The study used a qualitative approach to create a 43-item questionnaire that was then distributed to farm managers, their deputies, production managers, and information and communications technology managers. The sample size for the questionnaire encompassed 325 respondents from 2000 managers in the study community. Hypotheses formulated for the study were subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS. The study produced a number of interesting results, one of which was the statistically significant effect of the above dimensions of IoT employment on Jordanian date farms' overall competitiveness. The study found that the use of IoT sensor devices in weather monitoring and irrigation procedures had a significant impact on improved product quality and higher output. Analyzing agricultural data was shown to be a critical component that supports well-informed decision-making. The study suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture start smart agriculture awareness campaigns, improve infrastructure connectivity, and encourage more flexibility in government regulations. Keywords: Internet of Things, smart agriculture, date palm farms, competitiveness. |
الأبحاث المستلة |