السنة | 2022-06-26 |
التخصص | ماجستير إدارة المشاريع الهندسية |
العنوان | Risks management of infrastructre line services and their impact on the financial costs of road project in Jordan |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | ابراهيم فاروق ابراهيم فروقه | Ibrahim Farouq Varouqa |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | آلاء سعدي الخواجة | Ala Sadi Issa Alkhwaja |
Abstract | The Jordanian construction industry plays a significant role and contributes immensely to the gross domestic product (GDP) of the economy. However, cost overruns on Jordanian road projects during construction and operation are common. This study identifies, studies, and evaluates risks affecting infrastructure line services in Jordan and their impact on the financial costs of road projects. It will be simpler for project stakeholders to successfully manage risks if they have this knowledge. It also aims to devise a strategy to strengthen the relationship between road implementation authorities, government sectors, and private sector. A list of 32 risks was developed based on the literature review where the project's management, technological, financial, social, location-specific, and operational risks were all examined. Jordanian engineers and professionals were then asked to participate in a survey. Jordanian experts have identified eight major causes of cost overruns associated with the Jordan Crossing Jordan project. 328 people were asked to rate and rank each risk in terms of likelihood of possibility and potential impact. The top greatest risks, according to the findings of the questionnaire poll, are likely to emerge in infrastructure projects. With a RII of 0.862 as impact, the largest risk is a lack of support infrastructure. With an RII of 0.858 as possibility, the largest risk is a lack of support infrastructure (Problems with the contract between the project's running business and the government entities in charge, Reorganization of corporate structures and processes, and Accidents happen due to poor safety procedures). Risk identification and assessment play an important role in project risk management. This study will be one of the first to investigate the influence of risk management approaches on infrastructure project hazards. Keywords: Risk management, Infrastructure construction projects, Risk identification, Risk assessment, Jordan. |
الأبحاث المستلة |