السنة | 2023-06-04 |
التخصص | ماجستير هندسة الإنشاءات |
العنوان | Tensile strength of all-bolted single-angle connections subjected to axial and lateral force |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | وليد محمد زكي حسن | Walid Hasan |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | شروق إبراهيم الفاعوري | Shrouq Ibrahim Al-Faouri |
Abstract | All bolted single angle connections are one of the common shear connections types, and for the purpose of this study which is represented by measuring the maximum tensile strength of (L 70x70x7) mm section of all bolted single angle connections in case of applying both axial and lateral force. Unlike the previous works and which exactly the main idea and purpose of this study, at this study both axial and lateral loads were taking into account, and for this purpose, three experimental tests and finite element analysis were carried out. Also, the failure type of each test specimen monitored. For the first test specimen the failure mode was a tension failure in the bolt, and the second test specimen was tension failure in the bolts too. But, at last test specimen the failure mode was bearing failure at the single angle. Finite Element models of the same all bolted single angle connection were constructed and validated by the experimental data to ensure that the theoretical models using ABAQUS have the same behavior of the experimental models. Approximately both experimental and theoretical models ABAQUS finite element computer program aided results were similar. The first experimental test tensile strength was 130 KN, the second test maximum tensile strength was 147.7 KN and the third test specimen withstood a maximum tensile strength of 147.40 KN. On the other hand, at the second finite element analysis with the presence of the lateral load, the ultimate tensile strength of the section was (157.7 ,157.96, 157.8, 157.99) KN at the amount of lateral load (5,10,15,20) KN respectively. Also, at the third finite element analysis and at the presence of the lateral load, the ultimate tensile strength of the section was (157.37, 157.24, 156.47, 156.15) KN at the amount of lateral load (5,10,15,20) KN respectively. So as a conclusion of the results, the maximum tensile strength at the experimental test was 147.70 KN, while the maximum tensile strength at the theoretical test was 152.47 KN. So, as mentioned above, the results of both experimental and theoretical test were almost the same. Also, at this study the total displacement of the failed sections was monitored and documented. The vertical displacement of second experimental test was 28 mm which failed at tension load at 147.70 KN and the third experimental test vertical displacement was 24 mm which at tension load 147.40 KN was failed. And for the theoretical analysis, the measured vertical displacement of the section was (28.74) mm for all tests. |
الأبحاث المستلة |