السنة | 2024-01-22 |
التخصص | ماجستير تمريض الحالات المزمنة |
العنوان | Investigating obstacles to palliative care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in government hospita;s in Jordan : A nursing perspective |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | عبدالله احمد عبـدالله الغنميين | Abdullah Algunmeeyn |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | سهام جهاد صالح زيادة | Siham Zeadeh |
Abstract | Background: Palliative care is specialized medical care focused on treating the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses like Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) Palliative care is available to you from the moment you are diagnosed and through the entire course of your illness. Aim: This study explores the barriers that prevent patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in government hospitals in Jordan from receiving palliative care from the perspective of nurses. Methodology: Qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews. A study was conducted in Jameel Al-Totangi Hospital, and Al-Bashir Hospital on a convenience sample of ICU, and thoracic care unit nurses. Twenty (n = 20) nurses participated. A face-to-face interview was conducted by the researcher to collect data. It included 10 open-ended questions. Transcribed interviews were thematically analyzed by specialty to identify within- and across-specialty perspectives on obstacles and recommendation criteria. Finding: Five themes emerged in this study's findings, the first one is the Lack of resources which involves the main reasons for defects in COPD palliative care in governmental hospitals in Jordan, the second theme is Training and education, and the perceived point of view on the importance and urgent need for training and more educative programs for nurses to raise and enhance COPD quality of life, the third theme is Attitudes and perceived nurses towards palliative care and how they see the palliative care needs and requirements for COPD patients, the fourth theme is Traditions and family members role in raising and improving COPD patients QoL, and fifth theme is the Treatment Provision and how COPD patients can get optimum care.. Conclusion: There are many obstacles present in palliative care that combat the delivery of caring for COPD effectively, the nursing perceiving of palliative care needs to be improved and many supplies and medicaments are needed to be available to ease the care process for COPD, families and caregivers have a potential role in improving the quality of life for COPD patients. Nurses may also advocate for the implementation of specialized educational programs in palliative care to enhance their ability to achieve improved outcomes. Keywords Obstacles, Palliative Care, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Nurses, Jordan, Hospital , government |
الأبحاث المستلة |