السنة | 2023-06-18 |
التخصص | ماجستير اللغة الانجليزية وآدابها |
العنوان | Cross-Cultural turn-taking strategies : A contrastive study of turn taking mechanisms in arabic and English talk shows |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | انس احمد محمد عواد | Anas Ahmad Awwad |
اسم المشرف المشارك | | |
اسم الطالب | يحيى عوني عبد الفتاح الأطرش | Yahya Awnie Alatrash |
Abstract | Investigating the turn-taking strategies between speakers from different cultures is one of the subjects that has attracted researchers' attention recently. Some studies claimed that turn-taking strategies are universal, while others claimed they are culture-specific. To settle this debate, this study aimed to investigate the turn-taking strategies used in two female talk shows, i.e., the American talk show 'The View', and its Arabic version, 'Kalam Nawaem'. Further, this study explored repair, backchannels, adjacency pairs, and overlap used in both talk shows. In addition, this study investigated to what extent the turn-taking strategies used in both talk shows were different or similar. Furthermore, this study aimed to investigate whether turn-taking strategies are universal or culture-specific. This study used qualitative methods for data collection and analysis. Data were collected from YouTube, as five video clips were selected from each talk show. This study adopted two models for turn-taking system: Stenstrom's (2014) and Sacks et al.'s (1974) models. Data were transcribed using Jefferson's transcription system. The findings revealed distinct differences in the turn-taking strategies used in both talk shows. Thus, this study concluded that turn-taking strategies are culture-specific. The findings are further discussed according to the adopted theoretical and practical frameworks and previous studies. Keywords: Conversation Analysis, Turn-Taking Strategies, Turn, Talk Show |
الأبحاث المستلة |