السنة | 2023-09-04 |
التخصص | ماجستير العلوم الصيدلانية |
العنوان | Correlation between erythropietin levels with types of anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease |
اسم المشرف الرئيسي | رعد جابر موسى العاني | - |
اسم المشرف المشارك | احمد اجود جدوع التلهوني | Ahmad Al-Talhouni |
اسم الطالب | رانيا أميد جاويد باجلان | Ranea Aomed Jawaid |
Abstract | Renal anemia is a frequent and early consequence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) that affects virtually all individuals with severe renal failure. Patients with CKD suffer from anemia, since kidneys cannot make enough Erythropoietin (EPO), the low level of EPO causes red blood cells count to drop and anemia develops. Patients with CKD disease may start to have anemia in early stages of the disease. The type of anemia must be determined and the EPO level must be known, because blood transfusions can be replaced by giving synthetic EPO to CKD patients who have anemia and low EPO levels. In this study, venous blood samples (leftover) from (178) patients diagnosed with chronic renal failure have been taken. EPO was measured using a manual ELISA technique as directed by the manufacturer (Medac, Hamurg, Germany). Data was collected by the researcher from patients' files. These data include age, gender, stage of renal failure, urea, hemoglobin, vitamin B12, creatinine, albumin, folic acid, calcium, sodium, phosphate, ferritin tests results and other medical history. The results showed that there were (132 patients with Anemia, and 46 of patients without Anemia; The types of anemia were; Iron-deficiency anemia (87 patients), Megaloblastic anemia (49 patients) and Anemia of Chronic disorders (37 patients). All patients with low Epo (178 Patients), no patients with normal Epo. There was a positive significant (P< 0.005) correlation between EPO level vs Hb, folic acid, vitamin B12, ferritin, iron in all CKD patients. On the other hand, there was negative significant (P< 0.005) correlation between EPO level vs creatinine and urea in all CKD patients. There was significant positive (P< 0.005) relationship between EPO level and Hb (anemic patients with Hb<12g\dl), folic acid (megaloblastic anemia), Ferritin (iron deficiency anemia), Iron (iron deficiency anemia) for anemic patients. While a negative significant (P< 0.005) correlation between EPO level vs creatinine and urea in anemic patients who have hemoglobin levels below 12g\dl. |
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