الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير

  Critical Success Factors to Implementing Building Information Modeling in Libya
نوع المشرف
مشرف رئيسي
تاريخ الاشراف على الرسالة من
اسم الطالب
عصام عبدالله طمين
ملخص الرسالة
The Architecture Engineering and Construction industry (AEC) in Libya plays a major role in the growth and also for what it needs of reconstruction because of what happened in it. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a system that solves many Of the problems, and complications that may occur obstacles in projects during implementation due to plans and documentation. It also has many benefits at all stages of the project from planning, design, and scheduling to the operation and demolition stage . The main problem of this study is to identify the most important challenges and influencing factors for implementing BIM in the Libyan AEC industry. The Libyan construction industry will benefit greatly from the adoption of BIM in order to improve the current method used in construction and shift from traditional methods to more technological methods and the use of BIM technology is one of the main ways in this transformation. Aim this study at identifying Critical Success Factors for Implementing Building Information Modeling in Libya. The method of study used was the descriptive analytical method, and a questionnaire was developed to collect data. The study sample consisted of (112) practitioners of the Libyan AEC industry, the data was entered using the SPSS, inferential and Descriptive statistics methods were used. Also, interviews were conducted to benefit from the success factors in the BIM application. The study research has several results, most notably there the most reasons for choosing to implement BIM projects in Libya "Recognized Productivity improvements", and the highest main CSFs of implementation BIM technology in Libya to be: BIM-based software is sufficiently developed to support the business functions, change of organizational culture, staff experience and skills, financial support from the government to set up BIM system and legal measures concern intellectual property (IP) and protection of copyrights. Personal interviews were conducted for the purpose of developing and benefiting from the critical success factors, and a framework was built that includes all the factors affecting in Libya. The study recommended researching the optimal strategies for implementing BIM systems in accordance with the approved regulations, legislations and laws, and with a sequence of work to ensure optimal use of these systems during the project life cycle.