الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير
Comparative long run economic analysis of steel and concrete projects in Jordan
تاريخ مجلس الدراسات العليا
اسم الطالب
محمد يوسف صالح الشنطي
ملخص الرسالة
This research thesis aims at finding the optimum solution to the select structural frame
for beneficial projects in the planning stage in Jordan; either by using reinforced concrete
structure or steel structure to select the optimum solution, economic comparison has been used
in terms of cost and beneficial revenue.
A project has been selected as a case study. the study encompassed two alternative
options (A and B), where the first one was constructed using reinforced concrete structure and
the second using the steel structure
The study addressed the planning stage, including constructing plans and drawings,
preparing the quantity lists, analyzing prices, preparing civil work plans using primavera
…...etc. Cost, resources and quantities were assigned, and a plan was prepared to implement
both projects in the shortest possible time period
Furthermore, the monthly cost for each project were extracted. Then, the economic
analysis was conducted on these costs to know which alternative projects leads to achieve a
higher long – run revenue rate.
It was shown that the difference in revenue between the two alternatives projects does
not exceed 20 % period. The story area amounts to about 900 ....with total of 5 stories.
The results revealed that constructing the projects using steel structure was achieved
within a time period of 9 months, whereas constructing the project using reinforced concrete
structure was achieved within a time period of 12 month, which mean that steel structure
projects saves time nearly 34 %, but compare with project concrete structed higher cost not
less than 20 %