الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير

  Maintenance management for the replacement of the governmental heavy service equiment
تاريخ مجلس الدراسات العليا
اسم الطالب
عمار محمود خليل
ملخص الرسالة
It is the responsibility of engineers at the Machinery Division and the Central Workshop Division in the municipality to decide on determining the appropriate time for machinery or equipment replacement. The criterion of replacement states that the annual deterioration of machinery and equipment in the governmental sector is 10%. After that, machinery and equipment are sold or leased according to the applicable law of sale and lease of state assets. The selection of machinery and heavy equipment as well as specialized machines occurs according to complex economic analysis and operations, since the selection process plays an important role. It is essential in the success of municipal service projects, which are vital for the whole community in the city. The focus is on correct maintenance procedures and economic analysis in order to determine costs and optimize operations .The aim of this research is to identify the economic life of heavy and specialized machinery and equipment. This is achieved through designing and applying an integrated model covering all expenses and maintenance costs. The proposed model is then applied using real data, which are obtained from Al-Fallujah Municipality- a town in west of Iraq. The proposed model has been developed using MATLAB and is intended to provide engineers and workshop managers with confidence in relation to the point when machinery or equipment approach the end of their optimal economic life and should be partially or completely replaced.