الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير

  Energy efficiency improvement and audit of solar, cooling and lighting systems in residential sectors : case study in Samarra Iraq
تاريخ مجلس الدراسات العليا
اسم الطالب
علي غانم حمود بخيت
ملخص الرسالة
The electricity sector in Iraq suffers from many problems such as high rate of electrical deficit, high transport losses, high electricity prices per kilowatt hour, annual growth and lack of energy management strategies and skills. The case studies are residential houses in Samarra Iraq selected to illustrate the use of energy investment models for each facility. Opportunities for lighting system, compressed air, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, solar energy were identified during energy assessments. Each assessment identifies opportunities for saving electricity and waste, saves costs and identifies expected savings, implementation cost and simple recovery for each opportunity. Homes consume 250,820 kWh of electricity. This paper proposes four investment models to save electricity in the city of Samarra no cost model, low cost model, medium cost model, and high cost model to provide electricity in city. The evaluation of the measurement results showed that the estimated energy saving rate of the zero-cost investment model is 9%, and the low-cost investment model is 7.5. %, the average cost model for investment is 19%, high-cost model investment in Samarra, respectively. The search results can achieve 17% of total energy consumption (equivalent to 42,890 kWh and 428,900 IQD) in homes by applying some energy conservation models to the electrical system and most of the electrical equipment in the facility. And improving the cooling and conditioning systems prevents the growth of bacteria (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa) that live in damp conditions and thus contribute to human respiratory diseases. Finally, the results of this research can be used to assess the impact of electricity conservation models on reducing electricity deficit as a first priority of this research and to make good investment in the commercial and industrial sectors a second priority to promote and support national economic.