الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير

  استنطاق التراث في شعر نزار قباني
تاريخ مجلس الدراسات العليا
اسم الطالب
سعاد أحمد محمد جميل خوجة
ملخص الرسالة
This study attempted to reveal the different types of heritage: the religious, the legendary It the literary heritage in Nizar Qabbani's poetry.and also shows its aesthetic value, and its effectiveness .in the poetic text. The researcher has followed the descriptive method of analysis; to reveal the places of those intertextualities in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani, and to show the artistic and aesthetic value in his poems After examining and reading Nizar Qabbani's poetry, the researcher noticed that there is a great presence of heritage in Nizar Qabbani's poetry. Nizar Qabbani relied on heritage in many of his poetry; The study finds that the influence of religion, literature, myths, historical events, literary and religious .figures This indicates the wide culture of Nizar Qabbani, which he formed over the years of his life, through studying and traveling in the countries of the earth. Because of the importance of heritage and its presence in Nizar Qabbani's poetry, this study attempts to pursue heritage and its types in Nizar Qabbani's poetry, and the study was titled "Examining the heritage in Nizar Qabbani's poetry". The study was divided into an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion, followed by the list of refernces. In the introduction and preface, the researcher deals with: the definition of the poet, his scientific and practical life, the study's terminology and its founding concepts. The first chapter deals with: the concept of religious heritage, its types, and the effectiveness of religious heritage according to Nizar Qabbani by analyzing a number of his poems that included it. In the second chapter, which is entitled "The Myth in Nizar Qabbani's Poetry": deals with the myth, its concept, the most prominent Arab and Western myths, and the invocation of the myth in Nizar Qabbani's poetry, and the most important historical figures mentioned by the poet. As for the third chapter, it begins with the concept of literary heritage, its types and its invocation of the literary heritage of personalities and literary facts in the poetry of Nizar Qabbani. In the conclusion, the study deals with the most prominent findings of the study, which may benefit: scholars, researchers, and specialists, The study concludes with a list of sources and references.