الإشراف على رسائل الماجستير
The impact of oil price fluctuation on cryptocurrencies return
تاريخ مجلس الدراسات العليا
اسم الطالب
براءه غسان ابراهيم جابر
ملخص الرسالة
The thesis is aimed at offering an insight into the analyze the impact of oil prices on crypyocurrencies.The data set that will be analyzed in this thesis consists, on the one hand, of the daily returns of the major cryptocurrencies by market cap. The selected cryptocurrencies are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC), the reason behind choosing those currencies is they had the largest capital in the world. While the independent variable oil price represented by oil crude price, Brent crude oil price and finally gas price. The data extracted from the yahoo finance market cap website and correspond to the top cryptocurrencies by market capitalization as of January 2023.Cointegration tests require that the variables under study be integrated of the same order, the ARDL methodology used and Co-integration also in these study, Execute the bounds test to see if there is evidence of a long-term relationship between the variables, If the result is positive then the relationship is estimated in the short and long term, E-views software applied to check the relations between independent and dependent variables. The results indicate that crude oil price has positive and significant impact on all dependent variables Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC), while Brent crude oil price has positive and significant impact on Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and not significant on Litecoin (LTC), finally the Natural gas price has not significant on all dependent variables The H01-3 hypotheses results indicate that the natural gas price has a positive and statistically not significant role in accelerating the Bitcoin return . then the H01-3 hypothesis rejected there is statistically not significant role of Natural gas oil in Bitcoin return. The H02-3 hypotheses results indicate that the natural gas price (NGR) has statistically not significant role in accelerating the Ethereum currency return(ETH). Then the H02-3 hypothesis rejected there is statistically not significant role of Brent crude oil in Ethereum currency return. The H03-3 hypotheses results indicate that the natural gas price (NGR) has statistically not significant role in accelerating the Ethereum currency return (ETH) . Then the H03-3 hypothesis rejected there is statistically not significant role of Brent crude oil in ripple currency return (XRP).The final H04-3 hypotheses results indicate that the natural gas price (NGR) has statistically not significant role in accelerating the Litecoin currency return (LTC). Then the H04-3 hypothesis rejected there is statistically not significant role of Natural gas oil in Litecoin currency return (LTC).. These study recommend that the investors and policy makers should provide high attention on oil prices as impacted on cryptocurrencies, should be high collaboration between Financial Institutions and the Governments to control the regulation on Fintech, finally financial markets have to provide insight reporting and information to investors and policy makers to provide right policies and regulations.
Key Words: Oil Price, Fluctuation , Cryptocurrencies, Return