أبحاثي في الجامعة

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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Publication Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Effect of Availability of Supplies to Applications For Electronic Exams System in Success Execution Process : A pilot Study For Opinions of a Sample From Students Lecturers in Al-Israa University Journal of TANMIYAT AL- RAFIDAIN (TANRA) 2018-07-01
An Automated Drone Navigation System Third International Conference on Computational Mathimatics and Engineering Sciences Girne, Cypr 2018-05-04
ONTOLOGY-BASED GENERATION OF RANDOM PATHS BETWEEN TWO POINTS Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2018-08-15
Collision-free Random Paths between Two Points International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications 2020-06-08
The utilization of the moodle E-learning system in Isra University Management Intelligent Systems 2013-05-22
E-assessments systems from academics personal trends Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2013-06-20
Moodle claroline and blackbord systems European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, EMCIS 2012Munich 2012-06-07
Health: related information structuring for the semantic web 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web-Services and Applications, ISWSA 2011 2011-04-20
The medical semantic web: Opportunities and issues International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 2011-04-01
Biallelic mutation of Protocadherin-21 (PCDH21) causes retinal degeneration in humans Molecular Vision 2010-01-15
The automated arabic text categorization using SVM and KNN International Business Information Management Conference 2010-11-01
Naïve bayesian based on chi square to categorize arabic data Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies Challenges and Solutions - Proceedings of the 11th International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2009 2009-01-04
Managing the e-learning system of isra university European Journal of Scientific Research 2011-07-01
The Impact of E-assessments System on the Success of the Implementation Process I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science 2012-12-03
A new model for intrusion detection systems using bat algorithm International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 2022-01-05
A Hybrid Approach for Enhancing the Classification Accuracy for Diabetes Disease. Journal of Information Technology Research 2022-02-22
Reducing the Effect of Denial of Service in Web Service Environment Journal of Advances in Information Technology 2023-10-20
Towards a Smart Campus: Smart Classrooms Management International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 2022-06-01
iHELP: a model for instant learning of video coding in VR/AR real-time applications Multimedia Tools and Applications 2024-03-05