أبحاثي في الجامعة

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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Publication Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
The Extent of Applying E-Human Resources in Jordan From the Perspective of Human Resource Managers Within Commercial Banks in Jordan International Business and Management 2017-04-26
The moderating effect of entrepreneurial marketing in the relationship between business intelligence systems and competitive advantage in Jordanian commercial banks Management Science Letters 2021-01-01
The Creative Skills of Administrative Leaders and Their Impact on Employees’ Job Characteristics in Jordanian Public Financial Institutions Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications 2020-12-15
The Effect of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in the Jordanian Universities Information and Knowledge Management 2014-12-01
Measurement the marketing performance for the Jordanian pharmaceutical companies by using Balanced Scorecard European Journal of Business and Management 2013-04-01
أثر عوامل التغيير على تحقيق التميز التنظيمي: شركة البوتاس العربية نموذجاً مجلة الدراسات- العلوم الإدارية 2013-02-01
أثر إدارة المعرفة في فاعلية اتخاذ القرار في الشركات الاستخراجية الأردنية مجلة الدراسات- العلوم الإدارية 2011-01-19
أثر التعلم التنظيمي في تعزيز ابعاد إعادة هندسة العمليات الادارية (الهندرة) في المؤسسات العامة الاردنية المجلة الأردنية في إدارة الأعمال 2010-01-01
The Impact of Strategic Direction on Handling Corporate Social Responsibility: Empirical Study in Jordanian Commercial Banks Test Engineering and Management 2020-01-07
The Degree of Availability of Organizational Climate Dimensions and their Relationship to Job Burnout among Human Resources in Al-Hussein Medical City in Jordan Journal of Positive School Psychology 2022-07-01
The impact of administrative empowerment management on organizational planning processes in telecommunications companies in Jordan: A case study on orange telecom International Journal of Health Sciences 2022-07-27
The Impact of Financial and Moral Incentives on Achieving Job Satisfaction (An Applied Study on Private Secondary Schools Operating in Qweismeh District) Migration Letters 2024-04-15
Factors Affecting the Adoption of Amazon Web Services in Government Institutions in Jordan IEEE Xplore 2023-05-15
The impact of values-based leadership in organizational performance an applied study on Jordanian industrial companies science international 2024-04-22