أبحاثي في الجامعة

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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Publication Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Investing the Leisure Time of Students of the Higher Essential Schools in the Jordanian Society International Journal of Business and Social Science 2021-05-01
The Effectiveness of Frayer Model on the Acquisition of the Concepts of Chemistry among 9th Grade Students in Jordan Journal of Education and Practice 2019-05-31
The impact of using divergent thinking strategies on reading comprehension Obrazovanie i Nauka (ISSN 1994-5639) 2021-10-01
Teachers’ Perception of the Effectiveness of E-Learning during Coronavirus Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 2021-11-01
The Effects of Applying the Problem- Based Learning (PBL) Theory on the 11th Grade Scientific Stream Students’ Acquisition of the Concepts of Physics and the Development of their Critical Thinking Skills. Asian Social Science 2021-02-28
The Degree of Contribution of Patterns of Mothers’ Treatment to the Emotional Balance of Kindergarten Children Journal of Education and Learning 2022-02-04
Divorce and its psychological and social effects on the children of divorced people from their viewpoint in the Jordanian society Modern Applied Science 2022-02-11
Premenstrual Disorders and their Relationship to Emotional and Physical Abuse Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2022-10-04
Building a Criterion-Referenced Test in Measurement and Evaluation and Determining Its Cut-Off Score by Several Methods Journal of Education and Practice 2023-01-31
The Effect of Using Formative Assessment in Distance Learning on the Achievement of Public Schools’ Students in Amman Asian Social Science 2022-12-04
The Level of School Violence among Secondary L evel Students in the Schools of Al Qasr Directorate of Education: A Teacher and Administrator B ased Assessment Asian Culture and History 2021-10-22
Constructing a criterion-referenced test in psychometric subjects according to item response theory اتحاد الجامعات العربية (للبحوث في التعليم العالي 2023-06-15
The Extent of Knowledge of Achieving the Final Exam Questions for the Sixth to Eleventh Grades to the Levels Depth of Knowledge Modern Applied Science 2023-10-25
Electronic Violence Against Women After Bridge Via Whatsapp Messages: An Analytical Study Based on the Reality of Jordanian Society Kurdish Studies 2024-01-01
The Level of Friendship among Al-Israa University Students in the light of Some Variables International Journal of Education 2023-12-20
SELF-CONCEPT OF EMPLOYEE’S PEOPLES IN THE LIGHT OF SOME VARIABLES Humanitarian & Natural Sciences Journal 2021-05-01
Adolescents Use of Social Networking Sites and Its Impact on Family and Social Relations from Their Viewpoint in Jordanian Society Journal of Education and Practice 2024-01-31
The Impact of a Sterinberg Theory-Based Training Program on Secondary School Students Development of Critical and Creative Thinking Skills International Journal of Religion 2024-04-29