أبحاثي في الجامعة

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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
Publication Title المجلة/ المؤتمر سنة النشر
The Impact of a Digital Educational Story Based on Sports on Developing Alphabetical Learning Skills among Jordanian Pre-School Kids in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic Modern Applied Science 2021-03-30
أثر برنامج للتدريب العقلي في تنمية تركيز الانتباة وتحويلة لدى معلمي التربية الرياضية (دراسة تجريبية على محافظة اربد) مجلة بحوث 2020-10-01
The role of extracurricular activities in developing some cognitive skills among students of Isra University Journal of Critical Reviews 2020-01-01
The relationship of body mass index (BMI) to some types of special strength, flexibility, and the level of digital performance of throwing and jumping activities for students of athletics courses Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing 2022-05-01
Body image disorder and its relationship to health behavior among sample of overweight women International Journal of Health Sciences 2022-09-15
The use of chitosan as an effective carrier of theophylline – an anti-asthmatic drug POLIMERY 2023-05-17
Development Metronidazole Nanocomposite as Anti-inflammatory Agent for Athletes using Full Factorial Design Journal of The Chemical Society of Pakistan 2024-01-01
Sleep Disorders and Electronic Games Addiction among Jordanian Adolescents Journal of Education and Practice 2023-05-31
Unleashing the Power of Learning Technology: Exploring the Nexus between EFL Education, Cognitive Processes, and Metacognition International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology 2023-07-19
The Impact of Physical Education on Mental Health International Journal of Religion 2924-05-01
Assessment Methods and their Effectiveness in Evaluating Physical Fitness in School Settings INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIGION 2024-05-01
The Nexus of Self-Concept and Achievement Motivation among Handicapped Students Journal of Education and Practice 2024-06-01