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أبحاثي في الجامعة
Title | المجلة/ المؤتمر | سنة النشر |
Publication Title | المجلة/ المؤتمر | سنة النشر |
Feminism in the Middle East: The Influence of Religion and Nationalism on Women’s Narrative | World Journal of English Language | 2022-11-18 |
Use of Polite Request Forms by Jordanian Children: Do Age and Gender Have an Impact? | Theory and Practice in Language Studies | 2023-03-02 |
The Role of Contextualized Storytelling in Helping Jordanian University Students Develop Their Reading Skills | Journal for the Study of English Linguistics | 2023-10-08 |
The Role of Contextualized Storytelling in Helping Jordanian University Students Develop Their Reading Skills | Journal for the Study of English Linguistics | 2023-10-08 |