HEALING Project Activities

The Sixth Online Management Meeting


On December 17th, 2020, The University of Jordan held the Sixth Online Management Meeting for “HEALING” project.

During the meeting, Work package leaders presented the progress in seven work packages of HEALING Project (WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP7). Also they pointed out what is required from partners​

Wp2 is widely discussed to with all partners and the Final Study plans for Jordanian and Tunisan Partners .

The meeting was attended by 32 persons from the partner universities in Jordan, Tunisia, Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Belgium and Greece.

Agenda-HEALING online Meeting.pdfAgenda-HEALING online Meeting.pdf

Participant List.pdfParticipant List.pdf

Contact us
Telephone: 0096264711710 - Ext. 2619
Email: consultation@iu.edu.jo
Website: www.iu.edu.jo