HEALING Project Activities

The Forth Online Management Meeting


On July 14th, 2020, The University of Jordan held the forth Online Management Meeting for “HEALING” project.

During the meeting,  the progress of  “WP1: In-depth analyses of the overall situation on the on Art Therapy in Education” is discussed, specially for Normalizing the data (convert to percentage instead of numbers) to be compared 

Also, WP4: Development of the Art Therapy Centre to support the new curriculum​" is discussed and specially the list of essential components of art therapy center​. 

The meeting was attended by 26 persons from the partner universities in Jordan, Tunisia, Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Belgium and Greece.

Agenda-HEALING online Meeting.pdfAgenda-HEALING online Meeting.pdf

Participant List .pdfParticipant List .pdf

Contact us
Telephone: 0096264711710 - Ext. 2619
Email: consultation@iu.edu.jo
Website: www.iu.edu.jo