HEALING Project Activities

The Second Online Management Meeting


On April 16, 2020, The University of Jordan held the Second Online Management Meeting for “HEALING” project remotely instead of a face-to-face meeting in Amman-Jordan in response to recent Covid-19 crisis.

The meeting started by a welcome from the Project Coordinator, Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh.

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh (UJ) presented HEALING Project in Brief, he presented the project progress in different work packages according to the set plans.

During the meeting, the participating partners introduced themselves, after that each work package leader presented his plan for ​ HEALING project life time, the focus was on WP1: In-depth analyses of the overall situation on the on Art Therapy in Education which is led by UCLL,  ​and they presented their universities with a focus on their related experience to Art Therapy. The Work package leaders presented the seven work packages of the project and discussed their action plan for implementation with other partners.

The meeting was attended by 33 persons from the partner universities in Jordan, Tunisia, Portugal, Croatia, Italy, Belgium and Greece. 

Agenda-HEALING  second online Meeting.pdfAgenda-HEALING second online Meeting.pdf​

Participant List.pdfParticipant List.pdf

Contact us
Telephone: 0096264711710 - Ext. 2619
Email: consultation@iu.edu.jo
Website: www.iu.edu.jo