
كلية العلوم التربوية

Faculty Of Educational Sciences

Message From the Dean - Educational Sciences

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is the main nucleus that works on building the student’s personality to be an effective member in the society where he/she lives. The Faculty of Educational Sciences is the main artery that nourishes the nerve of life by graduating students to become teachers who are able to implant values and ethics accompanied by constructive learning following the message of the prophets and messengers and following the example of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him from the Sunnah. We hope Allah all success and guidance.

The Faculty of Educational Sciences was established in 2002. It includes two departments. The first is Classroom Teacher which aims to graduate educational competencies in the Bachelor’s program in the specialization of Classroom Teacher. The second department is Child Education which graduates educational competencies in the Bachelor’s Program. There is also Master program in Child Education which is the only one in all the public and private universities

The policy of the Educational Sciences Faculty has spread the quality insurance, society work and scientific research, and it believes in achieving this. It also seeks to attract the teaching competencies of the members of the Scholarships who have and provide knowledge and to deal with contemporary issues and who have theoretical and practical experience in different life fields

The Faculty of Educational Sciences is proud that it has worked and is still working with its students to supply the local, Arab and global labor market with educationally qualified scientific competencies who own the skill of the twenty-first century and who are aware of the standards of knowledge economy and information technology and the principles of individualization of education and able to carry the vision of the Faculty and its mission and goals.



 Dean of the Faculty of Educational Sciences

Dr. Asma'a Al-Khawaldeh