
مكتب ضمان الجودة

Quality Assurance Office

Director's Word

The Quality Assurance Office (QAO) at Al-Isra University seeks to spread the culture of quality and establish it as a daily practice in the faculties and departments. By evaluation and development of performance, the Quality Assurance (QA) Center has set up the policies and the necessary procedures for effective management of the QA system in order to achieve the university's vision and mission. The Center also endeavors to develop the bases of systematic work through effective communication to ensure the quality and development of the processes. The QAO is a reliable authority for the implementation of quality processes in the university.

The QAO has established an integrated system for managing quality work in the university in conformity with the standards of the Higher Education Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission. It also continuously develops and reviews the quality assurance system.

The tasks of the QAOin the university include: controlling and following up the processes and procedures; continuous development of the educational outcomes and their quality; helping to make administrative decisions based on studies, questionnaires, and statistics; improving the quality of the educational programs’outcomes and measuring their effectiveness; ensuring implementation of the procedures, their review, and auditing; standardizing quality forms and following up their modifications; reviewing job descriptions of the university employees; and setting up the bases for quality control of the educational programs by supervising the evaluation processes and verifying the opinions of beneficiaries.

The Office aims at excelling in quality assurance of the educational programs to achieve pioneering and excellence in the university. In addition, the QAO seeks to realize the university’s ambitions in obtaining the highest and best local and international quality certificates.


The vision and mission of the QAO are derived from the university’s vision and mission to reach the level of the internationally ranked universities. This is achieved by disseminating the cultures of quality and improvement for the advancement and of the university.

Director of the Accreditation Office & Quality Assurance Office

         Dr. Shatha Al Assaf