أخبار الجامعة

Isra News

Based on the importance of continuous communication between faculty members and students, the Student Affairs Committee at the Faculty of Educational Sciences organized an introductory meeting for new students.


At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Asma Al-Khawaldeh (Dean of the Faculty) welcomed the students and blessed them for their enrollment in the university and the faculty. She presented an overview of the faculty’s progress, its achievements, its future aspirations, its teaching programs, its extracurricular activities, and its activities aimed at serving the local community, stressing the importance of these open meetings and holding them periodically with the faculty students.

She urged students to persevere, be diligent, and diligent, noting the need to review the student guide, study plans, exam dates, attendance and absence instructions, and regular lectures, interact positively with their new university life, consult academic advisors to help them, and engage in cultural, intellectual, and social extracurricular activities organized by the university because of its importance. Its importance in enriching ideas, increasing knowledge and refining personality.