أخبار الجامعة

Isra News



An introductory campaign about the “Nahno” platform for volunteer work was launched at Isra University, organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs and in cooperation with the Crown Prince Foundation / NAUA Company for Sustainable Development, which aims at activating the role of youth in volunteer work.


His Excellency Prof. Muhammad Hamed, President of the University, pointed out that the “Nahno” platform is a national platform for youth volunteering and participation. It is an electronic platform that encourages volunteer work and youth participation and includes volunteer opportunities from various civil society institutions, private companies, and the public sector.


Prof. Bilal Al-Sakarna, Dean of Student Affairs, stressed the importance of volunteer work for students and urged them to participate in volunteer work, whether inside or outside the university, because it has a constructive role in refining the students’ personalities in the future.


It included introducing students to the “Nahno” platform for volunteering work, distributing publications, and clarifying the mechanism for benefiting from the Initiatives Support Fund, as well as explaining the platform's incentive system. Students are informed of the graduation requirements by completing 48 hours of volunteer work.