دائرة العلاقات الثقافية و العامة

Public and Cultural Department

Section of Internal Relations and Activities


Tasks Of the internal relations and activities unit:

  1. Taking part in the organizing committees for conferences, symposium, exhibitions and festivals held at the University.
  2. Taking part in committees in charge of organizing convocations, events. Inside and outside the University.
  3. Organizing all sorts of visits official, public, and students to the University.   
  4. Activating the promotion process jointly with the Quality Assurance Unit to guarantee quality.
  5. Providing local newspaper with the University news (condolences and compliments)
  6. Taking care of catering services.
  7. Coordinating with the University security to welcome visitors.
  8. Organizing all events held by the University faculties and departments.
  9. Taking care of medals and appreciation certificates awarded by the University
  10.  Coordinating with the students Deanship regarding all activities and events held at the auditorium.
  11. Coordinating with the computer center regarding all arrangements necessary for activities and events.