كلية الأعمال

Faculty Of Business

Vision & Mission - Business Faculty


Leadership in Science and knowledge and excellence between business faculties locally and globally.


Providing a professional scientific environment by graduating highly-qualified students capable of making change in the business fields and scientific research.


  • To provide students with information technology skills in the fields of business.
  • To stimulate scientific research for faculty members and students.
  • To include conferences and specialized educational activities in the field of business.
  • To provide consultations and exchanging information to serve the local community.
  • To Promote teamwork and leadership skills between students.
  • To develop students’ thinking and skills in solving administrative and financial problems.
  • To Promote professional ethical values between students in several business fields.
  • To enhance students ’scientific aspect using training programs.


Our Values

  • Integrity and Transparency.
  • Teamwork.
  • Creativity and innovation.
  • Ethical Responsibility.