Excellence in science education and research, as well as in service to the community.
Establishing a stimulating educational and research environment to produce graduates who are talented and scientifically qualified in order to satisfy the demands of the labor market
Program Objectives:
- Preparing graduates who are able to employ their practical and scientific capabilities to meet the demands of the labor market.
- Developing students' skills in scientific thinking and problem-solving in science and its applications.
- Developing students' criticism and scientific research skills.
- Encourage scientific research for faculty members.
- Activating community service through volunteer programs conducted by students and faculty members.
- Introducing and collaborating with students on the concept of professional ethics.
- Secretariat in preserving the rights of faculty and administrative staff and students.
- Enhancing freedom of thought and expression.
- Equality between faculty members, administrative staff, and students enrolled in the college.
- Respect for the diversity of nationalities and cultures.