دائرة اللوازم و المشتريات

Equipment and Purchases Department

Message From the Director

The Department of Supplies and purchases was established in 1991, and is one of the most important and vital departments in Al Isra University.

Its activities are includes in the following matters:

* Providing the requirements of the faculties, departments and administrative departments of furniture, stationery, materials,

* Follow-up construction and secure them.

* Follow-up of buses and car accessories and ensure the follow-up buses and heating and secure them.

* Monitoring and securing agricultural materials

* Maintain and supervise the university property and prepare periodic reports on the status and value of tenders.


* Preparing the official reporting books for the contractors and following up the communication with them to implement their obligations and follow up the dates of the required supply of materials, equipment and services.

* Periodic inventory of university assets.

* Providing the necessary equipment for the celebrations of the university in different occasions.

* Supervising the contents of the warehouses, organizing their disbursement and keeping their records.

* To carry out the duties of the Presidency of the University.


Department director

Mr. Mohannad Adnan AL-Hadadeen